Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TTLegacies Update!!

These past several months have been hectic for me, I have had to take some time off from TKD to evaluate the pros/cons of starting my own school and haven't come to any conclusions as of yet. However, since this time, CRIMSON VORTEX has taken off to the point that I am working on two chapters simultaneously and the notes I have been jotting down are now taking form. It is gratifying to see the plot and character development mature, not to mention the added twists and the illustrations are still in the making. I have also been working on a new Wordpress site and an About.me official profile page, my Blogspot will work in tandem and I am in search of literary agents that will represent me and my works. I am hoping and praying that I will see some results in the near future.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Author Update!!

The past couple months have been full of stress between working, raising a family and writing; which hasn't been going so well. I'm working on three writing projects in preparation to submit to an agent and hopefully, this avenue will provide me a broad range of big literary publishers without having to be self-published. It has been my dream to be a full-time author, writing to my heart's content as I explore the universe of my mind and rendering more elaborate illustrations and book cover designs. For several months, I have been conducting research for one of my stories which has reached critical mass and I can now continue working on this very interesting and controversial story that may end up as a novel, much like "The Twilight Legacies: The Sixth Eye".

I also started a Google + page, I urge you to check it out!!
The Twilight Legacies Universe +

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Celestial DNA!!

Celestial DNA(Google Sky Zoomed Out)

I discovered this while browsing Google Sky, just to see what's out there. One night, I decided to zoom out and this was what I saw. Now, this image is, of course copied several times over, but I couldn't help but notice how similar the image is to DNA. Now, take closer look, you'll see that there are three overlaying strands: The yellow, magenta and black. Now, incorporate that image into DNA model. What do you get??

Here are some links: